Wednesday, January 26, 2011


yea.. i know i havent updated in a WHILE but i will soon.. as soon as i complete the BEACH HOME  i have been working on. The new home will be humungous!! IDK how many bedrooms and bathrooms there will be but this house is huge.. and of course MODERN!

the reason i havent buld a TRADITIONAL luxury home is becuase my CC is all modern, but hopefully the next time i see a beautiful luxury house with beautiful CC i will DL it and start using that furniture to build one! LOL

I hope you all missed me! and i am a little sceptical as to why i only have like 3 followers, but i guess you all just come to DL the house and leave me here with my 3 friends. WELL I WANNA SAY THANKS TO THEM!! and another thans to you too for being here and DL my houses!

i hope you all like my next one and it will get the highest number of DL!! ok well i gtg to bed now haha! GN WORLD!